began life in 2004 by working with non-English corporations & English language schools/corporations. This work included developing English language software, writing coursebooks, developing different digital marketing channels & designing websites. has been asked to speak at various seminars & to lead workshops.
Since 2013, has focused specifically on being web developers & digital marketers for small businesses & has been presented with numerous awards for its service & innovation. Being a small business itself, understands what other small businesses need & any small business who comes on board with us in 2023 will benefit from low costs that will continue throughout the duration of our business relationship together!
Although we are only a very small team, partners with IT specialists & consultants around the world to help us deliver our top-notch service. Website design & Digital Marketing is managed by Robert, a Digital Marketing Graduate from the Institute of Direct & Digital Marketing in London. Robert is often in various European countries throughout the year, so no matter where you are he can come to visit you in person, although many of our clients have their websites designed remotely using only email and/or telephone.
Because worked in the field of TESOL for a number of years, we also provide free English language materials & advice to English learners from all around the globe. This material & advice is provided via multiple social media platforms & is what you might call a labour of love as we receive no payment for it.